
My love of growing was born at a young age. Some of my youngest garden memories are with grampa. My grandfather Gabriel Ciotti’s face lit up when he talked about plants. He enjoyed every part of the flower farm and he loved learning about flowers he had never heard of before. When we bought the nursery gramp couldn’t wait to help out. He and my mom came up as often they could. He started seeds, he painted walls and doors and even inspired the color scheme in the shop. (green doors!) In May of 2023. we lost him. It was a very fast and sudden loss, 11 days after a cancer diagnosis. Gramps is the inspiration for a memorial garden around our new greenhouse, constructed in his honor. The following people have also made donations in support of this project.

Memorial Garden Donors:

In Memory Of Dalton D. Dorrity  "Live Free" *

In Memory of Paul Dixon *

In Memory of Jennifer Gibbons *

In Memory of Kristy Gibbons *

In Memory of Brian Candee *

In Memory of my Gram and Gramps‚ and their love of flowers *

In Loving Memory of Pat Rowland *

In Loving Memory of Grandma and Grandbob Lemieux *

The Summerfield Family

Tracy Dyke

In Memory of Dr. Carlos H. Blazquez

In Memory of Lucille Campbell

Chris Hobson Whalen

Debbra Sandy

Shad & Sherrie Golding

In memory of Grandma and Grandpa Julin

Joshua Coe

Allen & Nancy

Mackenzie Brubaker

Nat Bonnett

John & Diane Hannigan

Gretchen R

In memory of Vin Miranda

A flower friend

Motley Bloom

Judit Smalley

In Memory Robert Cleveland Inskeep

In remembrance to all the special Grandpa's out there

Elma Riedstra



Janette Eslick

Ollie Black

Paula Eslick

Russell O Eslick

In Memory of Rev. Marion Pocker

In Memory of Sandra Houghtaling

Wendi's Garden

Amy Bernet

In Memory of 'Ethel Osborne' my grandmother who started a lifelong appreciation of gardening

Helen B White

Linette Terry

Alton and Barbara Shelley

Yolanda Clark

Shy & Malcolm Campbell

Steffi | Grown_in_NewEngland

Ann Cunningham

Sharon J Warner

"Everyone's Grampa" Gabriel

Nada Ferris

Lyla Thomas

Nancy Lamontagne

In memory of Grampa

The Vandisblad Family

Pat Tanner


In Memory of Willow, Our Flower Farm Pug

Elenor Mitrik

Madeline Malina, a lover of beautiful gardens

In Memory of Loren Hupe

Maura (Baum) Balog

Kathleen E.Herman

Debbie Kostolansky

In Loving Memory of Gary L. Jacobs